Help improve New Mexico’s public colleges, universities and specialty schools without raising your tax rates!

Your support of General Obligation (GO) Bond 3 would create nearly 2,300 new jobs and contribute to the economies of 29 communities in 23 counties across New Mexico.

Help improve New Mexico’s public colleges, universities and specialty schools without raising your tax rates!

Your support of General Obligation (GO) Bond 3 would create nearly 2,300 new jobs and contribute to the economies of 28 cities in 23 counties across New Mexico.



Early In-Person & Absentee Voting
Begins Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024

Expanded Early Voting
Saturday, Oct. 19-Saturday, Nov. 2, 2024

Election Day In-Person Voting
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024

Proposed Projects

Learn about some of the largest projects that would be funded by this year’s GO Bond.

Success Stories

Read about projects made possible by GO Bond 3.


Find answers to frequently asked questions.